Struggling With Overeating?

An exciting new group is beginning soon. Free yourself from 
destructive unhealthy habits.

Overeating and Binge Eating

This group is designed for women who feel 
they are struggling with overeating 
and binging. We will deal with emotional 
issues underlying overeating/binging 
and circumstances that  may contribute 
to these feelings. The group will also 
focus on getting in touch with our own 
signals of hunger and fullness, eating 
more consciously and slowly, and helping
people to decide on a food/eating style 
that is best for them. In addition, we will
look at cognitive/thoughts that may 
get in the way of us eating in a healthier 
way. The format of the group will 
include some instruction and or exercise
as well as open discussion.

Frani Pollack is a licensed psychologist 
and social worker. She also has a MS in 
nutrition. Frani has worked with women and 
eating issues for 20 years. She has 
worked in several eating disorder clinics,
has designed workshops for 
overeating, and teaches as an adjunct 
Professor at Bryn Mawr School of Social 
Work. She is in Israel for the year 
teaching at several Institutions. 

Please contact Sylvia Cassouto M.S.W.
at 052-870-0221 for more details.

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