Just why is the resource box so important? Think of the resource box as the most important Real Estate On The Article site. You write good articles just so you can show that asset off. It is designed or should be designed to sell for you. Your resource box should call your readers to action. Yet most article marketers miss the target here, and miss out on a lot of free traffic.
People are taught about Article Marketing and they are told to get fresh and unique content out on the web. They are told write unique articles, or buy private label rights and redo the articles making them new and unique. However everyone manages to forget about the resource box. The resource box is the most important real estate on the article page, I want to stress that . So if you have many articles out there and no clicks or not as many as you think you should have. Its most likely that your resource box is not selling for you.
Speak to your readers in terms that they can understand, keeping in the same tone as the article they just finished. You have to make them curious for more information. You have to sell the click while you have them wanting more.
1. Step One Lead In Phase. In this phase we want a real smooth crossover right into the resource box. We can not be to sales like and yet we cannot be to soft, both lose us customers. We need a good middle ground.
2. Benefits Section. You need to offer your reader a benefit that will get them to give up their email address and a visit to your site. So you must tell them whats in it for them at this time.
3. Step three is to lead them to do the click. You need to call out to them so they click through.
So lets break these steps down into specific examples.
Phase into the article
To transition easy you can say "You can start earning today...Or" Need Help With"...Or "To Sleep better tonight..."
After we hook our readers with the lead in phase we need to add a good benefit.
List bait statement or Benefit :
Here are some of the better benefits:
You need to think what are the benefits of your product and just fill in the blanks. Here are some starters. "Save Money and Time" "Live till 101 with the body of a 30 year old..." "Find your soul mate" "Earn Money" So zero in on what your product benefits are, not what the product does but how does it make the client feel.
The next thing we must do is call them to come on and visit our site. We could use the Visit Here call to action or Go to call to action . As long as you keep it simple and guide them on what to do next.
You can also use a trigger phrase like "To end all your back problems go to..." "To get the best rest you had in 20 years visit..."
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