How Gold is Essential in the Space Industry

For most people, gold's importance is seen only in the field of jewelry and finance. But what a lot of people don't know is that, the said metal has a long line of purposes and continues to become a part of various things through time. Gold has now been of great use in Dentistry, in glass making, in embroidery, in medicine, and in food. And as man advanced into the outer space, he also took gold along with him.

Man's success in reaching through space wouldn't have happened without the aid of gold. From then on up until now, gold has been extensively used in spacecrafts and even in an astronaut's space suit. This is simply why billions of dollars are being spent in every space launch. From gold alone, expenses would reach to several millions of dollars. But why use gold instead of other known metals here on Earth?

The space environment is an entirely different thing compared to the one we enjoy down here on Earth. Up in space, temperatures could get extremely high and extremely low in just seconds. Furthermore, there is also a very least possibility of squeezing in opportunities to repair and maintain a spacecraft.  This concludes to coming up with a highly dependable vehicle that requires the very least of maintenance. Because of the gold's property as one of the best conductors, gold wire is the best option to use in all the major as well as minor circuitry of a spacecraft.

Travelling into space poses a lot of environmental risks both to the spacecraft and its astronaut. Infrared radiation is imminent and extremely harmful to man. And in order to effectively deflect these deadly rays from the sun, spacecrafts are covered with gold polyester films. It is also because of radiation that it has become impossible to use the typical lubricants that we use down here on Earth. These lubricants would volatilize up in space and break down. Gold, on the other hand, is non reactive to such process therefore it has become the most appropriate lubricant for a spacecraft. It is hammered into fine sheets and is placed in between the important parts of the spacecraft to keep them lubricated.

When in space, astronauts are scheduled to get off the ship and conduct significant experiments. This makes the astronauts vulnerable to radiation from the sun. However, their space suits are equipped with visors that are covered with fine films of gold that are very much effective in reflecting the sun's rays. Without such protection on the visor, solar radiation can inflict serious injury on the astronaut's eyes and skin.

Of all the above mentioned facts, it is not hard to say that a spacecraft is a golden vehicle. All its important parts are able to function well and deliver successful missions through the aid of gold. Had our planet been out of gold, space travel would have become impossible and would just exist as a mere imagination.

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