You Can Make Your Own Website Today!

How long have you been telling yourself, this is the year I am going to do it. I am going to make my own website. You have finally said the words out loud, now where do you start? It might surprise you to find out that creating your first website does not have to be as scary as it may sound. You may also be wondering just how much is this going to cost me? The good news is - not much!

The first thing you need to do is decide on a domain name. What is your special place on the web going to be called? You will need to find a name that is unique to you and that is available. If you do a quick search you will find that there are many places to get a domain name. You can purchase a name for approximately $1.00 a month! There is no need to pay more than that.

Once you have chosen a domain name, you will need to have a hosting company for your website. This can usually be done with the same company that you have registered your domain name with. When you have accomplished these two things, the fun, creative process starts.

Your next task will be to find a web editor where you will design your site. There are thousands of web editors available for you to choose from, and the good news is that there are several free ones, so you do not have to incur an additional expense there. When you have downloaded the web editor to your computer, you are ready to start creating!

Even if you feel that you are somewhat technically challenged when it comes to the computer, you can be as creative as you like. If you don't like the way something looks, erase it and start over. Don't be shy about using different fonts, colors and text sizes. Keep at it until you are satisfied with the results. I think it is best to just start out with one page. Once you have that process down, then it is much easier to add pages if you choose.

After you have designed and saved your first page, the next step is to publish it to the web for everyone to see!

The above four steps will get your website on the World Wide Web!

   1. Domain Name
   2. Hosting Company
   3. Web Editor
   4. Publish

Give yourself a big pat on the back for completing your task and taking an important step for your future success

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