Internet Business Tutorial

In the years after the World Wide Web entered our consciousness in 1993, conducting business operations on the Internet was more novelty than necessity. Sure, companies registered their �.com� domain names and pundits spoke breathlessly about the Internet�s potential to revolutionize business, but it took companies years to integrate e-commerce into their existing brick-and-mortar operations.
Twelve years later, it�s nearly impossible to discuss business plans, proposals and operations without taking into account the Internet marketplace. The Internet and related digital technologies make so many aspects of business more economical, efficient and interactive.
Learn the business concepts, Internet jargon, and more to make your business a success on the Internet in this free tutorial.
Click on one of the topics in the outline below or click on �Start Now!� to start the tutorial.
Introduction to Internet Business Concepts
Section 1: Internet Software and Hardware
Section 2: Types of Internet Connections
Section 3: Internet Protocols & Their Function
Section 4: Domain Names & DNS
Section 5: The Role of Web Browsers
Section 6: How Email Clients Work
Section 7: Internet Security
Section 8: Using Search Engines
Section 9: Internet Marketing Techniques
Section 10: Information Technology Jobs

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