I want to talk about possibly running the business, which brings a few thousand dollars to the moon.
I do floristry, as well as, in this case, interested labels and pictures on the colors. On this idea I was prompted buyers themselves, which is seen behind a hill. At first I did not attach value to this strong, just like before, so Happy Valentine's Day, I saw about a wholesaler, which imports flowers wholesale lot of roses along with pictures of Cupid with an arrow. The images looked so certainly seemed like a sort of rose as well as born.
Took nothing at all on trial and .... in the main the same day, all sold and it is only in the eve! Immediately ordered a lot more, and again all sold! Together with the supplier of the colors around me enough trust and as if by chance I asked in what place he took a pier, as if separated and learned what the party rose to 10.000 went for 2 days! And also it increases the price of data rose $ 1! 10.000 in 2 days! Here are so me and took the "money fever." Only today is all according to the order ...
Through the World Wide Web, I found a few ways of images of flowers, the only reason:
1. The American process of creating a Speaking Roses http://speakingroses.com/ (laser printing ... the original quality is excellent, but only one-color printing), the franchise as well as equipment to Russia will cost about 500.000 bucks! Of course dear .... By the way, it really bought the Ukrainian firm "Roses slit razmovlyayut� http://www.roza.com.ua/.
2. Chinese struyniki to direct printing on colors - the original quality full-color, not bad, but again a lot of difficulties. Since then the only variation available for me was seya # only printer in this case and I bought one similar for 3000 bucks. The program, which serves him, half in Chinese - a famous programmer versed with setting up about a week. Very low enough speed printing - any bud must spread a special gel, load the printer according to the 3 pieces - in this case there are 3 flower must print for about five minutes-7, and the flowers are different, their problematic to sort that way, so that printing is very clear - as a result , provided that if the town had a flaw - a flower simply had to throw away. In such circumstances, to make it more or less than decent denyuzhku not.
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3. I continued to search as well as through the efforts of the output is found. ... As they say, the problem - is a hidden opportunity, because in my case the problem is not already in the possibility of images of flowers, but time-consuming, not reliable and not a productive process related together with direct printing on colors. Genius was as if always easy! Solved all my problems are a simple process of creating of images of flowers - to demonstrate how the process of creating a SPECIAL ADHESIVE MATERIAL, manufactured in the USA, which publishes an ordinary struynik (apply Hewlett-Packard and Lexmark, photo). Nastoyaschiya # Only the material - a complete novelty at the florist market and not have analogues.
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The image is printed on the hyperfine basis, specially made for the sake of sticking to the petals of flowers - roses as well as any other colors. For what ever 10 minutes allowed to continue to produce up to three thousand images, then what the picture is cut nearly in accordance with the contour and bonded to the tab.
All ... Material himself completely invisible on the flower. This kind of know-how, that way as when moving on flower material personally did not see (or according to the contours of any overflights of letters), but probably only just clear colorful picture, which is much better than using the Chinese printer. Painting full-color, clear - such as picture, at least have an image, logo or inscription.
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One individual manages to easily paste the image into a dozen flowers per minute, while for some in this case, the picture is allowed to remove, so that now in case you accidentally paste does not that picture is not at the flower - you will not need it discard.
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In addition, the cost of these images in dozens of time less than any other kind of images, only the original quality and comfort is incomparably higher. Cost is approximately $ 0.02 (!) Apiece. I realize exactly 0,2-0,5 per picture. Supplies its customers with sheets of A4. On one such sheet is placed 120-240 images, here and consider yourself ...
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Images may be different, in the form of words, wishes, confessions, images, logos, photos, in general, all that is allowed to print on regular printer.
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Stuff I bought directly about the manufacturer. Key clients - producers of flowers, wholesale and retail sales of flowers and accessories, worldwide network of stores floral orientation, advertising firm, the firm associated with the wedding service; PR-departments of companies, the studio .... field of activity is huge! For example, only the flower points in approximately the same as well as food.
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I have so far managed to master a small particle of this list, but I can say that it is all those who like the time tried the product, are satisfied.